Tag Archives: short stories

In the beginning…

In the middle of everything there is a something. And in the vastness of nothing is the unlimited number of possibilities of what could be.

Welcome to my world.

As writers, we often play with words to express ourselves. We use them to portray our feelings. And we do our best to stir the emotions of others.

We write and tell stories to allow others to escape into new and fascinating realities so that, for a moment, they can get away from the stresses of everyday life.

Of course, the list as to the reasons people write and read the works of others is a long one. But it is for the writer…the poet and storyteller…to keep those reasons alive and well.

My upcoming book (Komplex Sinplicities) is the result of years of creative labor. In fact, it is why I am having to bring it to you in three sections. Allow me to explain a little further…

The first section of the book consists of poems and things like them. Sometimes the best way to express myself is through the musical combination of words that is poetry. If I felt lovey dovey then the poem was light and touchy. If I was feeling rather down or found myself in a dark place then the poem was more dark and straight forward.

But then sometimes I just have random thoughts. And a few of these I threw into the mix, too.

The second section are my silly prophecies. These were written during my high school days, and were influenced by my favorite comedians…the Pythons. They are written with the sole purpose to entertain, but make absolutely no sense whatsoever. And that is as it should be!

The last section is probably the most normal of the three. It is comprised of short stories, and most all of them are fiction. A collection of short adventures for the busy reader, if you will.

All in all, I can not think of a better way to deliver so much at one time. And I am sure after you read the last page you’ll close the book, stare at the cover and not know exactly what to say.

And that, too, is as it should be.

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Komplex Sinplicities



I am excited to introduce to you my upcoming book:

Komplex Sinplicities.

The book is a mixture of poems, silly prophecies and short stories that are being divided up into three sections. The content itself will range from the romantic to the bizarre; giving the reader an experience that will leave them questioning what will be around the next bend.

My style of short story writing stems from the storytellers of old. I can remember the feeling I would get when my father would tell me bedtime stories as a child.

Or when my teachers in elementary school would read to the class some fantastic adventure in some magical place that left the imagination spinning. That same feeling is what I try to give to my readers.

Komplex Sinplicities should be available in ebook format by the end of October. I say should because it could be sooner! In either case, I will keep everyone posted as things bounce along.

I would like to invite you to follow me on here or on Twitter (@wormnblack). You can also go to my profile on here and sign up for the emails. And don’t worry…I won’t be bombarding your inboxes with spam, either!

Until next time…stay tuned! And have a wonderful day!

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